Team Toki

It’s all about the players (and the bunnies)


Named for social media manager and coordinator, Toki Michaels, Team Toki is a collection of playtesters, organizers, demonstrators, editors, commentators, kibbitzers and crudité nibblers. 

You may have seen them at UnPubs, Protospiels, Game Jams, HRS events, and a host of Strategicon conventions. Sometimes they have stuffed bunnies, sometimes with furry ears–but always with one goal to help make better games which in turn will make things better for the bunnies.

Become a playtester! Coming soon: events!

Didi, of Team Toki. pitching a game to Michelle.


Michelle Kelly, PhD

Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation

Michelle is the founder of the Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation and has been a licensed House Rabbit Society educator for a decade. Her experiences ranging from being the prime mover in Los Angeles’ inclusion of rabbits in its legislation, to improving public and private shelters, to serving as intermediaries between different non-profits with different agendas and philosophies, while trying to maximize rabbit health and welfare all translate into the game mechanics such as negotiation, resource allocation, and pattern recognition.  Her work with the designs help maintain a high level of verisimilitude while enhancing and streamlining the gameplay.

Michelle is not a classic gamer–electronic or tabletop–but she is the sole member of her PhD class to graduate the program, earning a doctorate in Slavic Literature and Languages with a dissertation on a Soviet-era writer (Andrei Platanov)  that does not touch on history, theology or class theory.  She’s a natural (“20” adds her husband.)

Go to Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation

David Moskowitz

Rules, Lettuces, and Litterboxes

David makes the games. He sold his first design—a solo dungeon for Tunnels and Trolls—when still in high school. Since then, his work has encompassed multiple platforms and genres, handling all code and design for the MS-DOS action puzzler Notyet, scripting the anime Knights of Xentar (Dragon Knight III in Japan)serving as Gary Gygax’s co-designer on Cyberdream’s Hunters of Ralk, and working as editor and columnist for magazines such as Video Games and Computer Entertainment and The Gamer.

David says he’s not an animal person, but always played the cleric, providing support for the front lines, and using his armored character to shield those with even fewer hit points. Who else would you want taking care of your bunnies?